Myrthe Shares on Sunday #4

1. TIP - Nike training app 
Let's begin with a healthy tip! I use this app not long now (since 4 days), but I'm already impressed by the great interface and opportunities with this fitness app. It works like this. You can set a personal goal and workou programm, when this is done you can start inmediately with working out! With short videos, everyone can understand the exercise. So simple and effective! I also like the setting that you can add a personal playlist to a workout.

2. BLOG - Into Mind
This blog proves that fashion is high level math. She has written so many qualitative amazingly articles about style, wardrobe, fashion, etc. I get many inspiration from her blog.

3. SHOPPING - Hema fish eye lens
Maybe the dutchies have noticed this one before, but I still wanted to share this amazingly cheap fish eye lens! I actually want to buy it now. Now. NOW.

4. LINK - language of layers 
With the search for the perfect hairdo, this post came online with a timing that couldn't be better. An expanded guide to layered hair and how you may ask what you want to the hairdresser (what almost always goes wrong with me).

5. TRAVEL -  the best tips and tricks for London
I want to close this post with a travel post about London. Tomorrow I'm on my way to this city and I'm very excited! I have planned a few posts for this week, to keep this blog running.

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