September in Review

Hello, October! A new month with many nice things looming ahead. But first, let's review past month! 

Shoppings I buyed my best buy since months; a grey (cheap!) cardigan, love it so much. Besides I buyed a new bag, but I’m not sure about the purchase yet. I’ll wait until the holidays in october, maybe I will see a better bag.  
Weather The mornings are COLD and the afternoons HOT, aaahgr makes finding the right outfit not much easier. Holland, what’s wrong with you…  
Dates The 20th the most ‚important‘ date this month, and those braces on purpose because my boyfriend and I didn’t celebrate our 2 years anniversary very extensively. We will go to Maastricht in a couple weeks but still went spontaneous to the movies, Let’s be cops it was. I recommend this one!
Health Started the month veeery healthy with my detox week, you can read the whole debriefing here, and ended the month veeery unhealthy with the best tiramisu-ice cream.
Money Didn’t earned a lot of money this month, didn’t spend lots, so nicely balanced :). 
Addictions  Lost my 24-addiction a little bit by the strain of school, but surely he has some stand-ins; pepernoten (Dutch Sinterklaas treat), my grey cardigan and the mango webshop (checking it around 2 times a day). 

+ Found my Swiss Pocket-knife! (follow up: see Min)
+ After working with an usb-keyboard for 4 weeks, I finally have my new keyboard for my laptop. It was for one strange reason not working. 
+ Despite my birthday was in August, I celebrated it this month in a club with friends. It was a great night! 
+ Started a new volleyball competition season this month, and ooh I missed this! 
+ My boyfriend and I (especially I) like it to play monopoly at times. We played it mosly on the ipad, but actually the IRL version is much better! 


- Lost my Swiss pocket-knife… Left it at an sports hall pretty far away from my hometown… :‘( (Is this a good excuse to travel one time to the Swiss and buy a new one?)
- It's getting colder and earlier darker by the days...


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