Myrthe Shares on Sunday #5

New Sunday, new shares! Enjoy your day :)

1. FOOD - Epic Burger Project 
Why didn't I noticed this food project earlier? I want to try all of these fusion burgers.

2. LOOK - Olivia Pope inspired lookbook 
Never heard of Olivia Pope, but looking at this pictures, she seems to have a good style! I like all of these looks, especially the one with the midi skirt and pumps. Just some good inspiration.

3. APP - Imdb 
Even though the site is nice, the app is even nicer! Very handy if someone gives you a good movie tip and to update your watchlist.

4. SHOPPING - Zara Blouse
Met this lady at a random Zara in London and I was surprised by the fabric of it. It's so unexpected and gorgeous and I fitted it over and over in every Zara, but didn't buy it. Maybe it's because I don't like the long 'veil' on the back.

5. LINK - How to prepare for a big presentation 
Oh, I had and have so many troubles with this... So every article about presenation skills and tips attracts me. The fact that it's an Chapter Friday article doubles the effect..

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